

Does the Real ID act contain a Constitution-busting Trojan horse?

Does the Real ID act contain a Constitution-busting Trojan horse?

so i hadn't really been paying too much attn to this whole real id thing cause i figured it'd surely get voted down... until i read about how it passed because i was a rider on the military spending bill... how the fuck is shit like this legal?

i'm guessing it gets started something like this: "hey, let's make a bill everyone wants to pass (cause if they don't attack ads will destroy their next campaign) and slap on some crazy ass shit no one in their right mind would vote for."

just insane. and people wonder why no one trusts politicians? why there's no faith in the american political system? let's just hope somehow this gets corrected... although i doubt it will seeing how the patriot act is still around and seems to keep getting renewed...

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