

Ultra-thin client to close digital divide | The Register

Ultra-thin client to close digital divide | The Register

Very cool idea. Not really sure if it will take off, or just die the slow death of so many other cheap computers to bridge the gap. And I can't decide how I feel on these things anyway, as far as whether they're necessary or good. Will they really serve a purpose? Is some village somewhere out in the jungle or desert really going to get into computer use? I suppose it's bound to happen sometime and machines like these could lead the way, I just don't know how much they'll actually accomplish.

But I suppose even small progress is still progress, so that counts. And if the divide is closed, one can hope this results in better conditions in those areas of the world. With the popularity of blogging, and the previous instances of Iraqi bloggers, etc, you could assume there would be more awareness of issues in those areas as well. I guess we'll just wait and see.

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