

some people make me sick

Religious conservatives claim Katrina was God's omen, punishment for the United States
The people that spew this ignorant filth, and those that listen and believe it, have serious problems. To use God's name for such tragic events, implying it is His will for such-and-such to happen because of , is wrong no matter what your beliefs are. To be so close-minded to anything other than who and what they are, in my opinion, shows their true feelings. It pulls back the mask to reveal the monster beneath.

How they can claim that a supposed loving, caring "God" could not only allow, but purposefully target, something like Katrina is beyond me. Yes, the God of the Old Testament is wrathful and vengeful, but that's not what they've been preaching since Christ came. It's all about "love thy neighbor," or at least it should be. But how can you claim to love your neighbor, but hate another for simplying being the wrong race, religion or sexual orientation? To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes from Saved!, "If God made us all, and we're all so different, how can that be wrong?" Something I'll never understand I guess, and why I'm not a big fan of the whole organized religion school of thought. To each their own, I guess, but I hope someday they'll open their eyes, minds and hearts to truly accept others.

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