

you think they'd learn

This is going to hurt you more than it's going to hurt me. republican plan to fund katrina relief looks like a nice, quick way for them to get rid of many programs they don't want... instead of simply roll back the worthless tax breaks for the rich that started this whole funding mess to begin with.

but really, it's about time. cause we definitely need to "eliminate state grants for safe and drug-free schools because 'studies show that schools are among the safest places in the country and relatively drug free.'" and if you're poor and get pregnant, well you should learn to keep your legs closed missy cause we ain't got no "teen funding [for the] portion of Title X, which provides 'free and reduced-price contraceptives, including the IUD, the injection drug Depo-Provera, and the morning-after pill' to poor teenagers."

hurray for democracy! helping keep the rich rich and the poor even poorer...

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