

harvest festival?

so on my way to work this morning i pass the mega-church down the street, and notice their sign out in front is advertising their "children's harvest festival" for tonight... which just cracks me up, and irritates me at the same time.

first off, it would seem that it's not ok to celebrate halloween there because apparently that's just bad. must be some of those "it's satan's holiday" people. which, honestly, if they cared that much about worshipping satan they might wanna look into how much in pop culture and their religion (but not necessarily their faith) comes from pagan origins.

secondly, it upsets me that because of their willful ignorance, they're going to pass their beliefs down to their children in this manner. halloween is now just a fun time to let loose and do something different. it's been approriated by corporate america and is no longer centered around whatever pagan beginning it had. these people really just need to learn to relax and live a little.

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