


very interesting article at salon... calls into question the current administration's (and the right-wing in general) use of Jesus in campaigning and their message in general. makes some very good points about how they aren't really acting very Christian in the actions or with their policies. just a couple big quotes here:

The American Christian right has hijacked Jesus Christ. It has made him into a brand, a logo, a bumper sticker. It celebrates his suffering on the cross, but largely neglects what he had to say.
which rings especially true to me since all i see driving around are cars and SUVs plastered with countless Jesus-fish, magnetic messages and Biblical bumper stickers. just makes me sick. i'm not religious at all, but i still know that's not what being a Christian means. Christ taught that those who stand on the corner praying to show how faithful they are often are less so than someone who quietly helps others asking nothing in return, and suggesting a true follower would pray in the closet where no one would see.(Matthew 6:1-6) i'm not saying those with these public displays are violating some christian law, it just seems odd and hypocritical.

It's a twisted, schizophrenic form of religion that mirrors the most reactionary form of Islam. (Not by chance, both the Christian right and conservative Muslims are at odds with women's rights, and fiercely homophobic.)
nicely drawn comparison of the right to the Islamic extremists they are against, although many of their views align.

plenty more in the actual article, so go check it out. definitely worth the time spent reading through its brief two pages.

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